At the risk of stating the obvious, there's nothing quite like good sex to put a big smile on a man's face and make him feel happy and contented. Good sex, whether with a partner (or partners) or with oneself, relaxes a man, puts him at ease, and makes him feel proud of himself; what more could a guy ask for? Because satisfactory sex is so desirable, most men want to pay attention to things like their penis health so that they can be ready to benefit from a little trip to paradise. Unfortunately, something as simple as a sore penis can put a crimp in their plans.
The irony
The irony of a sore penis preventing a man from having sex, of course, is that sometimes a dude gets that sore penis precisely from having sex. (That irony is likely to be lost on the sore penis sufferer himself, who is more interested in getting his penis back up to speed.) Yes, one of the biggest causes of a sore penis is having too much sex, or too much rough sex at least.
Despite its reputation as a powerhouse organ, the penis is actually rather delicate. In order to provide the undeniable pleasure that it does when being handled, stroked, fondled, or enveloped, the penis needs to have very sensitive nerve endings that can respond readily to touch and other stimuli. But those nerve endings also make it more susceptible to soreness when they get overstimulated or rubbed raw.
Many men associate a rubbed raw penis with over-masturbation, or with masturbating without using enough lubricant, and it's true that many times a man's enjoyment of his masturbation does lead to a soreness which then prevents either self-play or partner-based enjoyment. But it's also true that coupling can just as easily lead to a sore penis. Often insufficient lubrication is again the culprit, but it may also be due to an especially lengthy session, an unfamiliar angle of penetration, or an inability for the penis to be comfortably accommodated.
What to do
So what's a guy to do when he's ready for action but he has a sore penis telling him to cool it? When the penis is really sore and raw, holding off on activity is usually the best course of action - even if it's difficult to do. Not only does rest help bring about healing, it can also avoid embarrassment. Many is the man who has ignored the soreness in his manhood and initiated a sexual encounter with a partner, only to discover that the soreness causes his member to deflate midway through - or sometimes before even really getting started.
There are several things a guy can do to help hasten the healing of his raw, sore penis, including:
- Let it rest. As mentioned above, finding the willpower to avoid sex for a day or two can work wonders.
- Add a little warmth. Often wrapping a warm - but not hot! - cloth around the penis helps soothe and pamper the damaged skin and nerve endings.
- Be gentle. Wear tight briefs, which support and hold in place the penis, rather than boxers, which can rub against and irritate the member. When washing, handle the penis gently and pat it dry with a towel rather than forcefully rubbing it dry.
- Creme up. A sore penis will more readily get back in the mood for sex if a guy is already in the habit of daily applying a top drawer penis health creme (health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). In order to properly soothe, the crème should contain both a high end emollient (like shea butter) and a natural hydrating agent (like vitamin E). It also pays to find a crème with vitamin C, as this vitamin is a key component of collagen, a tissue in the body that gives skin its tone and elasticity.
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