Expert Author Rodrigo Durso Dos Santos

Having risen for almost a decade and by up to 700%, house prices in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, are showing signs of slowing down, according to the Union City Housing.

According to the survey entitled "Overview of the Real Estate Market in Rio de Janeiro" held by that institution, the results of real estate in 2011 compared to 2010 was a stabilization of prices, however, with an upward trend. After the most unprecedented real estate appreciation in the city's history, values have stabilized but without lowering the level. The significant increase in values in the last decade occurred due to low activity of the real estate in the years before the boom (a period of more than 20 years of inertia).

Other factors that influenced the exacerbated growth were the projects aimed at public safety, such as the Pacification Police Units (UPP acronym in Portuguese) in the slums of the city and the projects aiming at better infrastructure for the city, in areas such as transport (with the expansion of the subway) and sanitation. Many of these projects aim to prepare the City to host two events of great magnitude, namely the FIFA World Cup in 2014 and the Olympic Games in 2016.

Despite the substantial growth in the sales value of properties, the value of rents has not kept the same pace. According to the survey, the average price per square foot rose by 42.1% in 2010 while the average rent per square foot rose by 29.1% over the same period.

Despite the slowdown in house prices, Maria Teresa, research coordinator, believes that there will be no retraction in these values, since in her view the growth was due to the long period of stagnation immediately prior.

The Mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes feels that one of the causes of the increase was the investment of his administration in the city, somewhere in the order of R$ 20 billion (approximately U.S. $ 10 billion). He called this growth as "a crazy thing" and he expects prices to stabilize in order to avoid a housing bubble in the city.

This growth has not been registered only in the city of Rio de Janeiro, but also throughout the State, especially in the north coast, where there is an oil industry is booming (due to discovery of new oil fields around the region) and also in the south of the State due to car companies that have settled in the region since the late 1990s.


Expert Author James Moschoyiannis

If you've ever tried to manoeuvre your way through a minefield, then you have an idea of what investing in property is like. It's full of risks, difficulties and disguises at every turn. But the rewards can be great, and with the right manoeuvring, you can make your way out of that minefield and into a fruitful and successful investment.

If you're like so many entrant investors, you're probably already boggled by how many contradicting things are being said about finding success in property investment. What you need to know is that in the end, there are just four pivotal elements you need for secure property investment. With these four, your chances of going through property investment unscathed and successful will be a lot greater.

Four Pillars

Like a solid house or sturdy table, property investment has four pillars that keep it solid and standing, even through the toughest times and markets:

  • Prime Location - Location, location, location. That's what everyone in the real estate business keeps repeating, and rightly so. Location is one of the most important factors that can make or break a property investment.

Location here means more than just the aesthetic or physical attributes of the location of the property. It encompasses the property's proximity to numerous conveniences, like schools and central business districts. It also means a good and peaceful neighbourhood, one that's free of crime, natural disasters and the like. Such a property will always attract interest.

  • Solid Construction & Excellent Design - While location may be important, the structure of the property itself is also equally important. A rundown shack placed on the most exquisite location is still a rundown shack. It is vital to ensure that your property looks and is at is best. Good, solid construction combined with an attractive yet sensible design make for a winning real estate combination that buyers and renters will find hard to resist. If achieving this means spending a little more on construction and renovation, go ahead because this is one aspect you really shouldn't scrimp on.
  • Functionality - Similar to people, property should not only have the looks, but the substance. They should not only be attractive, they should also be functional. This means that they should possess the qualities that fit their purpose: residential properties must be conducive for living and buildings and offices should be conducive for working. Buyers and renters may be attracted to the exterior of a home or building at first, but it is the usefulness of the space that really wins them over and makes them want to stay for good.
  • Financial Stability - Start off having the means to finance your investment property, don't rely on returns alone. Demand for property can be very unpredictable, and you never know what other problems could come up that will add to your expenses. A pipe could suddenly burst, or an earthquake might suddenly shake your property's foundation. You need to have the finances to face these kinds of emergencies and solve them, because returns alone will not cover these and pay for the property at the same time.


Expert Author Denise Federer

Prestige and influence are two very different things, and for that reason, it isn't necessary to have a title to be a company leader/influencer. John Maxwell, who's authored numerous books on leadership, including Developing the Leader Within, notes that having a title is actually the lowest form of leadership.

This is great news for anyone who isn't "titled," yet desires to be influential within an organization. As you acquire the behavioral/emotional intelligence skills needed for each level of leadership, you'll gain more influence, regardless of your title. However, there are a few things you need to know about Maxwell's "5 Levels of Leadership" model before you can be successful "leading from the middle":

  • Position. The basic entry level of leadership, where the only influence you have comes with the title.
  • Permission. Colleagues see that you've developed impressive interpersonal relationships, and you care about them and what matters to them.
  • Production. Colleagues begin to respect what you've contributed to the organization and admire you. This is imperative-along with trust and credibility-to be considered a leader.
  • People Development. You demonstrate the ability to contribute to colleagues' career success; people grow through your mentorship and become loyal to you.
  • Personhood. Your colleagues think you're amazing

To be a key influencer without having a title, your colleagues must respect you, see you being consistent, and know they can count on you-and you must own your own power. You need to see yourself as being in a leadership role, and understand you have a great opportunity to be impactful, even though you don't have a seat in the boardroom, so to speak.

There are a few things you must always keep in mind as you seek to wield influence without a title:

  • Your success will always come down to whether people trust and respect you.
  • Your behavior must be aligned with organizational values.
  • You must say what you'll do and do what you say, i.e., walk the talk.
  • You need to be good at what you do while ensuring your colleagues understand you're a big picture person who really cares about the organization.
  • You must become an advocate of mutual respect, finding value in others as you seek to ensure they value you.
  • You must always be aware of your tone, and how others perceive you.

Many employees don't aspire to be the president of a company or even have a defined leadership role, but most people would like to be seen as influencers. Think about your own workplace; do you have untitled colleagues whose opinions or approval are continually sought, both by those who are "under" and "above" them? Those people have figured out how to lead from the middle, serving in an influential role without the benefit of a formal title. There's no reason why you can't do that as well.


Expert Author Denise Federer

Let's face it; few of us are actually born leaders. Most people need training and experience to develop critical leadership skills-and they often didn't receive that while perfecting their technical expertise. Thus, many managers find themselves in roles for which they've had little preparation; they certainly haven't given any thought to identifying their personal leadership style.

The way to build a strong leadership platform involves three initial steps:

  • Identify your leadership style
  • Refine your communication skills
  • Be aware of your strengths and challenges-especially what prevents you from being the leader you want to be

We're going to focus on leadership style in this piece (thus its title), starting with taking a look at the three primary types of leaders. These designations were made in 1939 by a group of researchers led by psychologist Kurt Lewin-and they remain relevant today.

  1. Authoritative or autocratic. These leaders have clear expectations, but there is a big gap between them and the people they lead. Their teams are seldom asked for input, thus this is not the most effective leadership style.
  2. Delegative or laissez-faire. These leaders provide little guidance to those they lead, something that often results in frustration. This is the least productive leadership style, because it doesn't address people's needs for predictability, consistency and accountability.
  3. Participative or democratic. These leaders provide plenty of guidance to those they lead, and they encourage participation in the decision-making process. While the leaders still have the final say, their team members are more engaged and motivated than those with less collaborative leaders.

    What would people say about you? Here are some questions to ask yourself along the way to identifying the leadership style that will work best for you:

  • Are you strategic or tactical? A big-picture person or someone who's more detail oriented?
  • How do you relate to the world? Are you more introverted or extroverted?
  • What is your hierarchy of needs? Is it important that people like you or would you rather wield power and influence?
  • Are you comfortable making decisions? What motivates you?
  • What do you want your legacy to be? How do you want to be remembered?
  • How much power and influence do you have right now-and where would you like it to be?
  • Are you comfortable as a mentor and coach?
  • Do you focus more on outcome or process?
  • Are you a visionary or someone who focuses on being agile to address current challenges?
  • Are you proactive or reactive?

Knowing the answers to those questions will help you be purposeful as a leader starting from day 1, something that can be quite difficult without the proper foundation. Being authentic is always a good place to start, as walking the talk and being open to constructive feedback will go a long way toward creating an environment of success and leading people toward a mutual goal.


Expert Author Michael E Parker

Buying a home, retirement, living comfortably without stressing about money; these are all aspects of the DREAM. Whether it's the American dream or the dream of someone in any other country; it's what we all strive to achieve. I would love to be able to tell you that these accomplishments can come from an easy step by step procedure and we could all have this freedom but as we all know that little thing called the recession through a wrench in a lot of ways to get to this goal. There are many ways to still achieve all of our goals and dreams as long as you have some creativity and focus.

Focus is one of the major factors to achieve our dreams. Focus is essential to coming up with goals and achieving them. Once you realize where you want to be financial the next step is to find the path to get there. First there is always getting another job. Supplementing your income can be the fast track to your goals but there is only so much time in the day and if you're already working 40 hours a week it's hard to think about working another 40. But think about the positives. The average single American income is about $29,000. Imagine doubling that by working this second job, you would be in a different tax bracket. As I said, the doubling of money would be nice but not everyone has an extra hour a week let alone an extra 40.

Finding a special skill or niche and make it work for you. This can be anything from bartending to carpentry. These are the things that can be done in your spare time and give your income that little boost it may need to get to the next step of achieving your goals. Bartending 6 days a month could be an extra $1200. Making or rehabbing furniture can make you a lot of money if you know what you're doing. If you have this little bit of spare time then after a few months of doing this you can start making your money work for you and invest.

If you are one of the fortunate ones that are middle class to upper-middle class then there are many more options for you. Now remember this word because if you don't know it already then it's time to get very educated. DIVERSIFICATION!!! Diversification is having assets or investments in different areas of the market. So if one goes down and a few go up you're still looking at positive expectation. There is a ton of free information on the internet these days and I would suggest using it to your advantage and figure out how you can diversify your money. Being able to have that extra money to invest can be a great feeling, especially when you start seeing results. By doing this you will start to have multiple streams of income. Once you can figure out what works best for your financial situation these multiple streams will start multiplying like crazy.

Depending on which scenario best fits you there will always be obstacles to reaching your goals. Stay focused and be smart. Just like your parents told you, "hard work pays off." Now we're just trying to make it really PAY off. Whether you're grouped into the first, second or third example, everyone has this dream of financial freedom. No matter which route you take it all leads to making those investments and finding those multiple streams of income. Stay focused, be smart, work hard, invest wisely, and don't let that dream go.

"What the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve." -Napoleon Hill

Garlic has been used as a natural medicine for thousands of years and remains one among the absolute best remedies for yeast infection...

What Makes Garlic So Effective for Yeast Infections?

Garlic contains 'allicin' which has proven antifungal and antibacterial properties. it had been even utilized in the primary and second world wars as an antiseptic to assist prevent gangrene.

Not only that, whilst it are often effective against bad bacteria, it doesn't kill-off the great bacteria in your body, as antibiotics are want to try to to . this is often important because you would like this good bacteria to assist fight your infection.

I hope you're starting to see just why garlic for yeast infections (which is especially caused by a yeast-like fungus called Candida albicans) are often such an efficient tactic.

And, it are often used against all sorts of Candida infection e.g., intestinal, vaginal, oral and skin, etc.

How to Take Garlic for Yeast Infections

Raw garlic is best for yeast infections, although you'll catch on in supplement form from pharmacies, food stores and good supermarkets.

It are often consumed to assist fight the yeast in your intestinal tract and may even be applied directly over the location of any external infection.

As a topical remedy, you initially got to crush a peeled clove of garlic into a paste before applying liberally over the external site. It's probably better to try to to this within the evening and in the dark . Repeat daily.

Alternatively, you'll just gently rub the cut side of half a clove over the affected area. The juices will adhere to the contact area and work their magic.

To use garlic for vaginal Candida, insert a peeled clove into the vagina overnight. Then apply the paste over the vulva. This to be repeated daily until the symptoms have gone.

To fight the yeast in your intestines, consume garlic on a day to day . an honest thanks to do that is to crush a clove into a paste with a few of drops of vegetable oil then swallow a teaspoon of the mixture two to 3 times per day.

Yet another thanks to take garlic is as a drink: Add 1/2 lemon (incl. the peel), a peeled clove and a cup of water into a blender and blend until very smooth. Then add more water to taste. The lemon rind helps to mask any garlic odor on your breath.

If you employ garlic for yeast infections you're using one among the foremost ancient, yet best , natural remedies available to you.

Garlic for yeast infections is undoubtedly effective in killing-off the Candida fungi and getting obviate the symptoms.

However, there are many triggers for Candida overgrowth. If these aren't addressed at an equivalent time as trying to eliminate the infection, then your infections will just keep returning . In other words you would like to deal with the basis explanation for your yeast infection.
Expert Author Pauline Salvucci
Each folks guards a gate of change which will only be opened from the within . - Marilyn Ferguson

Shame limits us from accepting pleasure, enjoying life and its gifts, being our greatest selves and doing all we're capable of. Most folks have experienced shame of 1 kind or another at a while in our lives. But when it becomes a pervasive habit, it limits how we live. for many folks , shame is said to a physical, intellectual or emotional area in our lives. By examining these areas, we find out how they affect us and the way we will minimize or overcome their negative influence.


Some of us feel ashamed once we compare ourselves to "the perfect body image," or when our faces don't reflect the proportions and image of what is considered beautiful or handsome. once we compare ourselves physically to others and are available up lacking, we sell ourselves short.

This is a difficult area for both women and men. Society tells us that how we glance matters. Physical bias on the a part of others can influence how both genders see their bodies and, therefore, value themselves. However, if we do not use our talents and gifts, or don't develop our skills because we feel ashamed of our bodies, we've given shame the facility to regulate our lives. It's possible to beat the restrictions of physical shame if we acknowledge the degree to which it affects us, and work to scale back its influence.


Some of us experience intellectual shame once we think we aren't smart enough, or can't get ahead fast enough because we do not have certain skills, knowledge or education. Feeling intellectual shame prevents us from taking risks to try to to the items we will do. If we feel ashamed of our intellectual ability to find out , improve ourselves and succeed, we cannot even try. What a fantastic waste of some great human resources- ourselves!


Shame shrinks us. It forces us to travel unnoticed, to stay our thoughts, feelings and wishes to ourselves. Nothing hits harder at the core of our being than shame, and this is often why it's such a strong obstacle to self-care.

All folks have a good sort of emotions. We feel love, anger, resentment, tenderness, envy, joy, fear. However, feelings aren't behavior; they're neither bad nor good, they simply are. it's what we do and the way we act on our feelings that matters, not that we've them. If we're ashamed of our feelings, we'll attempt to push them away, or pretend they do not exist. Doing this diminishes our ability to trust in ourselves and affirm our inner sense of wisdom.

The following tips will support your efforts to attenuate and overcome shame as you repose on your strengths and practice self-care.

1. Examine how shame drains you. Complete the subsequent sentence: "I feel ashamed when... " Repeat this sentence and list your shameful feelings. It's tough, but be honest with yourself. Using the subsequent scale, rate each sentence consistent with how often you experience the sensation it expresses:

A - Sometimes
B - nearly always 
C - Always
Total the amount of sentences in each category. The result indicates to which shameful feelings drain and rob you of energy.

2. Accept yourself today, even as you're . Self-acceptance may be a choice, one you.make every day . How you think that about yourself influences how you present.yourself. It doesn't matter if you do not "feel" self-assured. Act self-assured and see how your behavior changes how you are feeling . you do not need to like everything about yourself, but you've got to simply accept yourself as you're before you'll change. Otherwise, you struggle against yourself and sabotage your efforts. Your future begins today. plan to accept yourself as you're , at some point at a time.

3. Don't store shameful memories. once you abandoning of shameful memories, you get obviate old labels. Recall a memory that has negatively influenced you.Write a press release about how you would like to ascertain yourself, not how this memory portrays you. Choose an action you'll practice that supports this new vision of yourself. Taking action helps you experience yourself during a new way.

4. Create strong boundaries. Feeling nervous about making boundaries is OK. But you've got to try to to it anyway because boundaries protect you from being walked on or taken advantage of by others. What boundaries does one want and wish to create? Make them clear and direct. Write what you'll tell others who violate them. Be brief and clear. Practice delivering your message aloud . Look within the mirror and hold your eyes. Use a recorder and hear your voice. Speak with strength and conviction. Mean what you say and say what you mean.

5. Let your light shine. Some people that feel shame hide because they need to be invisible - being invisible can become a habit. However, you'll break this habit once you stop hiding from yourself also as others. to vary this behavior, create an inventory of affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements about you and your attitudes. Create them within the present . Here are some examples:

Today i will be able to do my best and accept myself.
My heart is open. i will be able to allow its light to shine.
I am asleep with myself because i'm freeing myself from shame.
Using affirmations helps you see yourself - and be seen by others.

6. Speak truthfully. have you ever ever lied or been caught during a mislead avoid feel-ing ashamed? Telling the reality raises your self-esteem. Lying doesn't. What does lying protect you from? Practice telling the reality in situations where you're tempted to not . Telling the reality frees you from shame or carrying the burden of a lie. you'll be surprised by what proportion lighter you are feeling , and by how others answer you

7. Examine your dependence on others. does one lean heavily on the responses of others to work out how you are feeling about yourself? does one sometimes present yourself as helpless even when you're not? To develop independence, choose a goal you'd wish to accomplish. Break this goal down into several small and manageable steps. Follow your steps to completion. once you follow through with one goal, you realize you'll accomplish others. Your life is your responsibility, also because the fruit of your labor.

8. Learn from your mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes. we will learn valuable lessons from them. once you make an error , don't attack yourself. No negative self-talk! It creates and maintains a way of shame that results in greater distress and hopelessness, which then shuts you down. Instead, ask yourself what important lesson you'll learn from your mistakes. How are you able to incorporate this learning into other life situations? Learn from your mistakes in order that they can work for you, not against you.

9. Shift to the positive. Shame fosters negative thinking, and negative thinking fosters shame. To shift from the negative and make self-affirming actions,.ask what three things will get you occupation a positive direction. Incorporate these actions in your lifestyle . Remember, small changes end in significant gains and increase self-confidence.

10. Get the assistance you would like . Minimizing or overcoming shame will assist you .achieve your goals and reduce the isolation that results from shame. If you are not satisfied together with your progress and think you would like more help to attenuate the consequences of shame, you'll enjoy seeing a therapist. If you do not know any therapists, you'll ask a lover , loved one , doctor, pastor or someone you respect and trust for a referral. Your phonebook usually has community psychological state services listed within the front. If you're online, you'll inspect professional organizations just like the Association for Marriage and group therapy or the American Psychological Association for recommendations on finding a therapist. If you've got insurance , check the psychological state benefits of your policy, also as its limits of confidentiality.

A Final Word

Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and zip is so gentle as real strength. - Ralph W. Sockman

Approach this series of articles with strength and gentleness. Both qualities are necessary so as to vary and grow. Strength will support your determination and capacity for effective action, and gentleness will guide your progress as you gradually improve your ability to be the simplest you possible. Take one step at a time and start your journey.

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